CyberChimps FadPro WordPress Theme 1.0.1


FadPro is a trendy and easy to customize Blogging WordPress theme. FadPro aims to only shine the light on your content – which is what the main objective of your website is! This responsive WordPress theme for blogs looks great on all devices be it desktop, mobile or i-pad. This theme is an impressive platform to showcase your blogposts or articles on the home page in a two-column grid layout.

The tile-format for featuring the articles is easy on the eyes and makes it visually appealing. With added typography options, color options for text and menu, it will take your blogging website to the next level. With amazing widgets and added features, FadPro is a content focused-theme and suffices all the needs of a blogging website.
If you are looking forward to build an interesting blogging website of any niche – FadPro is a perfect pick!

Features of FadPro – WordPress Blog Theme

Responsive Blogging WordPress theme – adapts your website to mobile devices including smartphones, tablets and desktops so your website looks incredible on any device
header image
Visible edit links in customizer
2 skin options – default skin and another skin with color change and different images for header and footer
Typography options – Options for H1, H2 and H3
Text and Menu color options
Sticky posts