Henderson – vCard & Resume HTML5 Template
Henderson – is a flat and minimal design, business, responsive vCard based on Bootsrtap 5. Personal portfolio HTML5 template for creative agency, portfolio, personal website, creative showcase, web agency portfolio, professional website, designer portfolio, freelancer portfolio and much more. This multipurpose, customizable template, includes SVG animation, TWO Slider and much more!
- Clean and minimal design
- Clean code
- Fully Responsive Design
- Portfolio with Filters
- Skills and Timeline
- SVG animation Integrated
- Easy Customization
- Bootstrap 5
- 12000+ icons (retina ready) Font Awesome 6 Pro
- Google Fonts
- CSS3 Animations – Animate.css
- Supports Google Map
- Two Slider and Two Window
- Working Ajax Contact Form
- Well documented included
- and more features coming soon!
Note: Images and videos from demo site are not included.,