HONEX – React Apps Landing Page
HONEX – React Apps Landing Page professional landing page or marketing page to promote any kind of Apps, Software, and also digital or real products. The template is made using the latest version of React and used the latest version of the Bootstrap CSS framework. It’s responsive for all of devices and designed with a clean look and feel, stylish & modern trend. It’s basically built for app promotion but would be suitable also for mobile games showcases or any application website showcase. It has one unique layout that includes many sections, customization options, and features for multiple purposes.
** Features**
- Unique design and clean design
- Made With Bootstrap 4x Framework
- Pixel Perfect Design
- Responsive For All Devices
- Nice CSS3 Animations
- 3 Home Page Versions
- 5 Blog Page Layouts and 3 Single Blog Page Layouts
- 404 and Coming Soon Page Include
- 9 Unique Colors Version
- Free google font used
- 600+ Font Awesome and vector icons 7 stroke
- SEO Friendly Codes
- Very Easy to Customize
- Clean and Well Commented Codes.
- Well Documented