WooTabs – Add Extra Tabs To WooCommerce Product Page 2.1.8


If you are one of those people that are ALWAYS looking for more ways to keep your WooCommerce website visitors longer then WooTabs is the perfect plugin for you.

Simple to use but also powerful when it comes to decreasing bounce rates and increasing sales, the plugin allows you to add extra tabs (as many as you want) to the WooCommerce Product Details page.

For example, lets say you are selling a product that could ideally be accompanied with a video showing its ease of use or features, WooTabs allow you to add an extra tab entitled “How to …” and embed your YouTube, Vimeo or any other video-sharing embed code. You then just save the settings, giving your visitors an extra reason to stay longer on your website, increasing the possibility of them converting into a sale. Or maybe you just want to let your website visitors enquire about a specific product; just enter the Tab title and post the enquire form shortcode or your own html code through the Tab description field.

WooTabs, just like our other plugin, WooWaitlist, is geared towards website monetization – in other words, making more money through your WooCommerce website. We believe this handy tool will be extremely useful in your ecommerce efforts, allowing you to tweak and customize to your heart’s content.