WooThemes WooStore Premium Theme 1.8.4


WooStore is a landmark for WooThemes, our first eCommerce theme for WordPress. Designed in-house by Magnus Jepson and brought to life with WooCommerce, WooStore provides you with a powerful and flexible eCommerce solution.

WooCommerce Goodness

As you’d expect, WooStore makes full use of all of WooCommerce features. We’ve painstakingly married theme and plugin to provide a seamless front-end experience. Every single one of WooCommerce widgets has been lovingly styled to match the beautiful design, as has each key component of the plugin such as the product categories, product descriptions, cart, checkout and user account sections. Read all about the benefits of WooCommerce here.

Featured Slider

A custom homepage featured slider to showcase your products with style, all powered by jQuery. Optional slider pagination gives your visitors easy overview.

Customisable Homepage

The homepage features a stylish jQuery slider as well as the option to display content from one of your pages. There’s even an option to display your featured products, either in a slider of their own or a static grid.

Custom Post Types

The theme takes full advantage of the new custom post types functionality that came with WordPress 3.0, so adding slides and products (via WooCommerce) is dead easy!